Frequently Asked


How can I find out about research currently being run at Ramsay Cancer Care?

You can find out about current clinical trials at the National Clinical Trials Network website here.

You can also ask your Care Team about any clinical trials or research projects available to you.

In addition, you can search for clinical trials outside the Ramsay Network through the Australian Clinical Trials website.

Why should I participate in a clinical trial?

Clinical trials can lead to the development of new treatments which can take 5–15 years to before they are approved on the market. As a result, participation in a clinical trial may give you the opportunity to access potential new treatments before they reach the market, and provide you with an alternative treatment option to the standard treatments.

Participation in a clinical trial is voluntary. If you choose not to participate in a clinical trial, it will not affect your standard treatment or your relationships with the health professionals involved in your care.

How do I enrol in a Ramsay clinical trial?

To participate in a clinical trial within Ramsay Health Care, please contact the relevant trial coordinator or ask your GP for a letter of referral to the Investigator for the clinical trial. Both the trial coordinator and/or your GP will be able to help you understand whether the trial may be suitable for you and your condition.

Once you have obtained a letter of referral or discussed the trial with the trial coordinator, the trial coordinator can help you to arrange an appointment with the relevant Investigator to discuss your eligibility for the trial.