Head & neck cancers

Head and neck cancers usually occur when cells that line the moist, mucosal surfaces inside the head and neck grow in an abnormal and uncontrolled way, forming a tumour. There are many different types of head and neck cancer, including laryngeal cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, oral cancer, and paranasal sinus cancer.

How is it diagnosed?

Not all head and neck cancers cause symptoms. Some common signs and symptoms may include swelling, lumps or bumps in the affected area, changes to your voice, nose bleeds or unusual nasal discharge. Head and neck cancers can be detected through screening or scans, such as a CT scan. A biopsy of the affected area will be taken to confirm your diagnosis.

How is it treated?

Treatment for head and neck cancers may involve surgery to remove a tumour, and chemotherapy or other targeted drug or immunotherapy and/or radiotherapy to destroy cancer cells.

Living well during treatment

You and your loved ones will face both physical and psychological challenges while you are undergoing treatment for cancer. Ramsay Cancer Care provides a holistic and integrated service, to ensure that your needs are met at every step of your treatment and recovery. 

During and after your treatment for a head & neck cancer, you may like to access support for:

Your physical wellbeing
Your mental wellbeing
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Read more about Head and Neck Cancers